bohemian spaces

It's been a busy week with little sleep, and I'm looking forward to some down time.  All I want to do is curl up with a great book, drink copious amounts of coffee and tea, and let my mind wander. I could make myself right at home in any of these rooms. 
How about you?  Any favorites?
  All images from this collection at Pintrest.


  1. lovely, the ones with the books are just the thing.
    the 3rd one i have on my tumblr and has been a firm favourite for ages. LOVE.

  2. Too hard to choose--I love them all! Think I have a couple of these on my Tumblr and/or Pinterest (thanks for that link, by the way--I'm now following that board!).

  3. how is it that i don't yet have a red velvet sofa?! & i need to save up for more suzanis...

  4. Monica ~ that's one of my faves, too.

    Hausfrau ~ so glad you stopped by!

    nofixed ~ Isn't that sofa luscious? If it were in burgundy, I'd be in heaven. Suzanis are a bohemian girl's best friend.


  5. All of them but I have to say the last one is my favorite one...
    I never tire of these Bohemian living spaces!!
    Great post Barbara!!


  6. I think that's my favorite, too, Linda... :)

  7. ohhh! The second room from the bottom with the tree picture behind the purple sofa...oh the bliss! Please let it be mine!!! :) Wonderful blog! (art, magic & therapy for the soul)


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