decoupaged vintage bottles

I have a few small, decoupaged vintage bottles, and I really like them. I've been thinking about trying to make some myself - it seems like a fun and easy project.  Interested in trying it?  Find an instructional link here.


  1. i used to have several lovely bottles that i have given away over the years due to regular house moves. i do like the look of them, and decoupaging them yourself is a nice touch.

  2. They look lovely and I have a few bottles just waiting to have something nice done with them... Hope the first January week isn't too tough ;-) xo

  3. The bottles look wonderful. Thank you for the link !!

  4. That seems like a fun project. Aside from the decoupaging, there's some entertainment to be found in the bottles. That is, finding some cool old bottles, empty in content but not useless. The shapes and colors of the bottles show a lot of potential, no?

    Rob Feckler


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